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The article discusses the potential of hydrogen as a secondary energy source in China, highlighting its advantages such as high energy density, low carbon footprint, and ability to store energy in the form of hydrogen gas or liquid metal hydrides. However, the development of a hydrogen-based energy system in China faces challenges due to lack of infrastructure for production, transportation, and storage. The author suggests that electrolysis-based hydrogen production using renewable energy sources can reduce CO2 emissions and achieve zero emissions. Hydrogen can be used for various applications such as fuel cells, internal combustion engines, and power generation, and has the potential to replace fossil fuels in the transportation sector. The article concludes that further research is needed to overcome technical and economic barriers to large-scale hydrogen production and use in China.
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The article discusses the potential of hydrogen as a secondary energy source in China, highlighting its advantages such as high energy density, low carbon footprint, and ability …
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The article discusses how despite the fossil fuel industry's public commitments to reducing their carbon footprint, they have quietly continued to invest in new oil and gas projec…
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