1. Волгина Н.С.: "Функциональные стили русского языка" - Explores the different styles of Russian language, including literary, colloquial, and formal styles.2. Ваш зарубежный партнер: "Переписка, документация, контракты" - Provides practical guidance on how to write business correspondence in Russian, including letters, agreements, and other documents.3. Виноградов В.В.: "О языке художественной литературы" - Focuses on the language of literary works, including its structure, style, and usage.4. Винокур Г.О.: "Избранные работы по русскому языку" - Discusses the secrets of good speech in Russian, including the use of language and literary devices.5. Голуб И.Б.: "Стилистика современного русского языка" - Covers the stylistics of modern Russian language, including its grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.6. Голуб И.В., Розенталь Д.Э.: "Секреты хорошей речи" - Provides tips and techniques for improving one's speech in Russian, including pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.7. Григорьев В.П.: "К спорам о слове в художественной речи" - Examines the use of language in literary works, including the concept of "word" and its relationship to poetry and literature.8. Загорская А.П., Петриченко П.Ф., Петриченко Н.Н.: "Письмовник дляvey деловой корреспонденции" - Provides a practical guide to writing business correspondence in Russian, including letters, memoranda, and other documents.9. Кириллов В.И., Старченко Л.Д.: "Логика: Учебник" - Covers the basics of logic and reasoning in Russian, including the use of language and formal logic.10. Крючков С.Е., Максимов Л.Ю.: "Современный русский язык: Синтаксис сложного предложения" - Explores the syntax of modern Russian language, including its use in complex sentences.11. Ладанов ИЛ.: "Мастерство делового взаимодействия" - Provides practical guidance on how to communicate effectively in Russian in a business context.12. Ломизов А.Ф.: "Трудные вопросы методики пунктуации" - Covers the basics of punctuation in Russian, including its use in written language.13. Пешковский A.M.: "Русский синтаксис в научном освещении" - Provides an overview of the syntax of Russian language, including its use in literary and scientific texts.14. Солженицын А.И.: "Русский словарь языкового расширения" - Offers a comprehensive guide to the Russian language, including its grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.15. Суворина В.А.: "Очерки по истории русского языка" - Covers the history of the Russian language, including its development and evolution over time.