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The essay argues that the current trend of nationalism in Europe is a dead end and that the continent's future lies in building a strong, unified nation. The author, José Ortega y Gasset, contends that this can only be achieved through a dynamic national identity that encompasses the diversity of European cultures. He criticizes extreme forms of nationalism, which he sees as a reaction against the crisis of modernity and a refusal to face the challenges of building a new society.The essay also warns about the dangers of communism spreading in Europe, but argues that this is not due to the ideological content of communism itself, but rather because many Europeans are drawn to its promise of a new way of life, a sense of discipline and purpose. The author sees the Soviet Union's five-year plan as an attempt to achieve greatness through collective effort, and believes that if Europe does not find a new moral direction, it will be swept away by the tide of communism.Overall, the essay calls for a renewal of European culture and identity, and argues that building a strong, unified nation is the key to avoiding the dangers of communism.
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