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My Journey into Personal Computer Software Development in 1983

Thank you for sharing your story with us! It's fascinating to hear about your experiences in the early days of Personal Computer technology and how you navigated the politics and challenges of working in that environment. Your insight into the behavior of some programmers is spot on, and it's unfortunate that you had to deal with that kind of attitude from your colleagues.Regarding the Lisp aspect of VisiCalc, you mentioned that it was written in Lisp at a time when there were strong limits on how fast you could run with a language like Lisp. Can you tell us more about which version of VisiCalc was written in Lisp and what specific challenges you faced while working with the language?Additionally, you mentioned that Lisp was a memory hog, which made it difficult to run the program efficiently. Could you elaborate on that aspect as well? How did you manage to fit everything into memory, and what were some of the strategies you used to optimize the program's performance?Overall, your story provides a unique glimpse into the early days of Personal Computer technology and the challenges faced by developers working in that environment. We would love to hear more about your experiences and insights!
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