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Will Stein:Thank you, Jensen. That was a very informative and insightful answer. I think it's clear that AI is going to play a major role in shaping the future of computing, and it's exciting to see how different companies and countries are approaching this technology.Jensen Huang:Indeed, Will. The rapid advancement of AI technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries and aspects of our lives. As you mentioned, there are various approaches to developing AI, and each country has its unique strengths and resources to draw upon. By leveraging these assets, countries can create their own competitive advantages in the field of AI.Regarding the second question, I believe that explaining the concept of accelerated computing can be analogous to using a tool to perform a specific task more efficiently. Just as how a specialized tool can complete a job faster and more effectively than a general-purpose tool, AI can process complex tasks with greater speed and accuracy than traditional computing methods.CPUs are excellent at handling sequential tasks, but they are not optimized for parallel processing. As a result, AI has emerged as a powerful tool to address the limitations of traditional computing. By utilizing specialized hardware and algorithms, AI can perform tasks that were previously unimaginable, such as analyzing vast amounts of data or simulating complex systems.In terms of national sovereignty and AI development, I believe that each country has its own unique strengths and resources to contribute to the field. By leveraging these assets, countries can create their own competitive advantages in AI and maintain control over their own data and intellectual property.Furthermore, I agree that it's crucial to adhere to export controls and ensure that sensitive data is not leaked or misused. By doing so, we can promote responsible and ethical AI development while also protecting our national interests.In conclusion, the future of computing is undoubtedly intertwined with AI technology. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, I'm confident that we'll see even more exciting innovations and applications in the years to come. Thank you again for your thoughtful questions, Will.
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