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The text appears to be a list of references cited in an academic or research paper. The references include articles, books, and online sources related to media studies, journalism, and freedom of press. The authors and dates listed are:* Mark (2012)* Jacob Mathew (2011)* Arthur Miller (1961)* John Naughton (1999, 2006)* David Page and William Crawley (2001)* Prabhat Patnaik (2002)* Press Commission (1954)* Press Council of India (1991)* N. Ram (1990, 1994, 2000, 2011)* V.K. Ramachandran (1996)* Ravi Narayan (2007)* Christoph Riess (2011)* Tom Rosenstiel and Amy Mitchell (2011)* Alan Rusbridger (2011, 2012)* P.Sainath (2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2012)The references cover a range of topics including media freedom, journalism, press regulation, and the impact of technology on the media industry.
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