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This paper provides an overview of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chain management (SCM) and highlights the need for further research to address the challenges posed by the pandemic. The authors identify four key research areas: quantitative modeling of SC disruption, initiatives to assist financially distressed suppliers, the impacts of a potential second-wave of infections on consumption patterns and SCM, and the influence of political disputes on international business and SCM.The paper notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted risks in both concentrated and global SCs, with the fashion industry particularly affected due to its seasonality and interdependent nature. The authors argue that firms need to build agility into their SCs to mitigate epidemic-induced risks, including implementing risk management strategies, assisting key suppliers who are facing insolvency, and ensuring social distancing restrictions are adhered to.The paper also highlights the need for greater flexibility in SCs, with a focus on value-creation rather than cost-saving in lean SCM. Agile SCM addresses this inflexibility by enhancing communication mechanisms and efficient transfer of information between suppliers and buyers, but is limited by increased inventory needs and holding costs.Existing research into SCM has yet to address how COVID-19 has impacted SCs and how this has influenced SCM theory. The authors argue that more research is needed to expand our knowledge of SC risk management, including quantitative modeling of SC disruption caused by the pandemic, initiatives to assist financially distressed suppliers, the impacts of a potential second-wave of infections on consumption patterns and SCM, and the influence of political disputes on international business and SCM.Overall, the paper highlights the need for greater agility and flexibility in SCs to mitigate risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the importance of addressing the social and economic impacts of the pandemic on supply chains.
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