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The article discusses the prevalence and associated factors of burnout among health workers in emergency departments (EDs) in Palestinian hospitals. The study found high levels of…
Several studies have applied Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) with elite athletes to improve performance and reduce psychological distress. These studies have shown signif…
The article highlights the significance of securing an online connection, particularly in today's digital age where online transactions and data sharing are commonplace. To estab…
Sir Richard Branson surprised over 150 Virgin Australia passengers on a domestic flight from Melbourne to Hobart by offering them a free cruise worth up to $7,000 each. The passe…
The article provides tips on how to read effectively like a CEO, focusing on comprehension and retention rather than speed reading. The author suggests several strategies, includ…
This text discusses the potential benefits of combining tocotrienols, a form of vitamin E, with aspirin for preventing pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia is a pregnan…
In the beauty industry, categorizing clients based on their unique needs and preferences can help professionals provide more effective and personalized services. The article iden…
The Herd is a digital marketing agency that has developed a platform for growing businesses. They use a scientific, numbers-driven approach to help business owners turn their unre…
In this episode of "This American Life," host Ira Glass presents several stories about love, relationships, and the quest for happiness. Each story explores a different perspecti…