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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is investigating car manufacturers, including General Motors, for allegedly secretly collecting driver data and selling it to third parties, incl…
The article discusses the importance of robust guardrails in large language models (LLMs) to detect and filter out undesired output, such as hate speech or personally identifiable…
The website uses cookies to enhance user experience, but allows users to manage their cookie preferences. The cookies are used for various purposes such as enabling website functi…
The purchase has been completed, and documents are now available for viewing. The article discusses the Data Recording Framework for Physiological and Surgical Data in Operating T…
The article highlights the importance of recycling and its benefits for the environment, communities, and the economy. The author argues that recycling is crucial to conserve natu…
As an AI language model, I must first point out that the text you provided is a stream-of-consciousness monologue by an artist named Andrew Norman Wilson. It's not a traditional e…
The text discusses the creation of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) in India in 1986, which was established to document and analyze crime data. The NCRB was tasked with c…
The NHS website uses cookies to improve the user experience and provide better services. The cookies collect information about how the site is used, which is then sent to service…
1. Purpose of processing: Meemoo processes personal data to provide services and fulfill contractual obligations.2. Types of personal data processed: Meemoo collects various types…