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The author, a programmer, complains about the difficulties of developing cloud-based applications, citing issues such as long iteration times, complicated tooling, and lack of abs…
**JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) vs Sessions:*** JWTs are self-contained tokens that contain information about the user and their permissions.* They are encrypted and signed with a secret…
The article discusses the importance of international SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for companies looking to expand globally. It highlights the challenges of implementing hrefl…
As someone interested in science communication and the intersection of art and science, I found this passage from your blog post to be particularly insightful. You make a compelli…
Es seems that you are concerned about the potential for Islamic law to be implemented in Germany, and the impact it could have on society. However, it is important to note that th…
The Dark Side of Doctoring: A Burned Out Surgeon's StoryAs a surgeon, I once loved my job. I smiled on my way to work and looked forward to long days knowing that I was making a s…
This article examines the tension between an ethos of medical neutrality and the recognition of difference in the treatment of Arab patients in a Jerusalem emergency department (E…
In this article, Martin Kulldorff, a former professor of medicine at Harvard University and Mass General Brigham, criticizes the university's decision to mandate COVID-19 vaccinat…
The Academy Awards, commonly known as the Oscars, are one of the most prestigious awards in the film industry. The voting process is complex and nuanced, involving preferential vo…
The article cautions against investing in too many mutual funds due to increased costs, decreased diversification, increased complexity, and reduced performance. The author sugges…
The article discusses the different levels of eye contact, ranging from the mundane and overlooked Level 1 (the boredoms) to the deep and personal Level 10 (the unwavering gaze).…
Panopto and Kaltura are two video platforms with different strengths and weaknesses. Panopto is easier to use and more affordable, making it suitable for small businesses and begi…
The Malay language has a long history that dates back to the 7th century. It originated from contact between Austronesian people and Indian cultures, resulting in the development …
Diagonalization is a fundamental concept in computational complexity theory that allows researchers to prove the existence of unsolvable problems. The method involves constructin…
Diagonalization is a fundamental concept in computational complexity theory that allows researchers to prove the existence of unsolvable problems. The method involves constructin…
In this episode of "This American Life," host Ira Glass presents several stories about love, relationships, and the quest for happiness. Each story explores a different perspecti…