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The author, a programmer, complains about the difficulties of developing cloud-based applications, citing issues such as long iteration times, complicated tooling, and lack of abs…
The author despises people who have latched onto trendy topics like blockchain and AI without truly understanding them. They argue that these individuals are more interested in pr…
**JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) vs Sessions:*** JWTs are self-contained tokens that contain information about the user and their permissions.* They are encrypted and signed with a secret…
The website uses cookies to enhance user experience, but allows users to manage their cookie preferences. The cookies are used for various purposes such as enabling website functi…
The article discusses the future of Palestine and Israel in the context of Iran's influence and the decline of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The author, Amiad Cohen, argues that…
Hello! Welcome to TMT Post, your go-to source for the latest tech news and analysis. Today's top stories include:1. Alibaba's revenue soared 32% in the first quarter, driven by st…
The article discusses the role of technology in reshaping international relations and diplomacy in the digital age. GCLEAD, a non-profit organization, is highlighted as a platform…
Summary: The article discusses a suspected backdoor in the xz software, which is a popular compression tool used in many Linux distributions. The backdoor was allegedly inserted b…
The European Union has established a number of mechanisms to support the civilian aspect of its operational missions. These include:1. The European Security and Defence Policy (ES…
The article "China's Policy of 'String of Pearls': A Threat to India's Energy Security?" discusses the potential dangers posed by China's maritime expansion in the Indian Ocean re…
In this summary, the author of the text corrects several inaccuracies in an article regarding security issues in the tech industry. The author notes that "фичи" (a term used in th…
The text discusses the potential positive and negative impacts of the next generation of the internet, known as Web 3.0. It highlights the benefits of faster connection speeds, m…
The article highlights the significance of securing an online connection, particularly in today's digital age where online transactions and data sharing are commonplace. To estab…
The article discusses the latest propaganda trends in Russia, as detected by the "Denazification of Ukraine" project. The project analyzes Russian media outlets and identifies pa…
When choosing a massage gun, there are several factors to consider based on personal preferences and needs. These include power and speed, ergonomics and comfort, size and portab…
The Australian Deputy Prime Minister, Richard Marles, will travel to the United States and United Kingdom to meet with counterparts and discuss shared security objectives. During…
The My OpenLearn Profile allows users to customize their learning experience, save favorite content, and earn recognition for achievements. The course content includes free course…
The article on ResearchGate discusses the importance of checking whether a website is secure before entering sensitive information. The author explains that an unsecured connecti…
The recent invasion of Israel by Hamas has raised several questions about the causes and consequences of the attack, including:1. Was the attack a tactical blunder or strategic m…
1. Consolidation of media ownership in Norway has led to a potential decrease in competition in the market.2. Local media outlets are experiencing a decline in readership and infl…
A recently discovered zero-day vulnerability in the libwebp library, commonly used in various software and applications, has been identified as a critical threat to affected syst…
A recently discovered zero-day vulnerability in the libwebp library, commonly used in various software and applications, has been identified as a critical threat to affected syst…
Title: Microsoft's Account SAS Token Nightmare: A Cautionary Tale for Cloud Security Summary: Microsoft experienced a security breach due to an unmanaged Account SAS token, expo…
The Royal Wharf Residents' Association provides resources and information for its members, including meetings, hot topics, news, and resources. The Committee focuses on four key a…