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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is investigating car manufacturers, including General Motors, for allegedly secretly collecting driver data and selling it to third parties, incl…
The article introduces "leche de laboratorio" (laboratory milk), a synthetic alternative to traditional milk that is sustainable, delicious, and nutritious. This new era of lactos…
General Motors (GM) and Ford have outperformed Tesla in terms of revenue and net income for their first quarter. Despite Tesla's market value being over $517 billion, analysts pre…
**A Burger with Environmental Benefits: Mush Foods LCA Affirms 50CUT Can Reduce Impact by 50%**According to a new life cycle assessment (LCA) from Boundless Impact Research & Anal…
Nomad Foods, Europe's leading frozen food company, partnered with PRé to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) study to compare the carbon footprint of their frozen products with …
The article discusses the Consumer Decision Making Process, a model used to understand how customers make purchasing decisions. The model consists of five stages: Problem Recognit…
Indifference curves are a fundamental tool in economics used to understand how consumers make choices between different combinations of goods that provide the same level of satisf…
The article discusses the concept of marginal utility and its significance in economics. Marginal utility is the satisfaction a person derives from consuming an additional unit of…
The article discusses the potential health risks associated with consuming soy products, particularly in relation to the isoflavones found in soybeans. While some studies have sug…
Summary:The 2023 China Direct-to-Consumer E-commerce Industry Research Report was released by iResearch. The report focuses on the research of cross-border e-commerce and export e…
China faces a demographic challenge due to its aging population, resulting in a conflict between consumer demand and demographic structure. Economists and demographers call for im…
In August, inflation in the UK slowed down to 6.7%, which is the lowest rate in over a year and a half. This is unexpected, as most experts had predicted an increase in inflation…