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The article discusses the costs and benefits of upgrading diesel engines to meet stricter emissions standards. The German government is considering mandatory upgrades, but there a…
1. Climate change and its impact on society2. The spread of dangerous fungi and their potential health risks3. The influence of radicals in the media and politics4. The war in Ukr…
The Dark Side of Doctoring: A Burned Out Surgeon's StoryAs a surgeon, I once loved my job. I smiled on my way to work and looked forward to long days knowing that I was making a s…
The article discusses how to optimize Large Language Models (LLMs) for efficiency in terms of cost, latency, and throughput. The author presents a two-pronged approach to optimiza…
Consilio is a global leader in legal technology solutions and enterprise legal services, offering end-to-end legal services and technology platform to drive efficient outcomes, re…
The article cautions against investing in too many mutual funds due to increased costs, decreased diversification, increased complexity, and reduced performance. The author sugges…
Investing in a panic can lead to poor decision making, so it's important to have a well-thought-out investment plan and stick to it. Automating your investments through a rules-ba…
Summary: The article discusses the art of asset allocation and how it can help investors achieve their financial goals. It highlights the importance of making two key decisions: a…
Jack Bogle, a legendary investor and founder of The Vanguard Group, passed away on January 16, 2019. The article is a tribute to his contributions to the investment industry, part…
Jack Bogle, the founder of The Vanguard Group and inventor of the index fund, would have been 90 years old today. To honor his legacy, the article highlights Bogle's impact on the…
The latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing the video production industry. AI-powered applications such as Adobe Photoshop Camera, Prisma Photo Ed…
Zotero allows users to add multiple sources at once by using the "Add New Item" button in the citation menu. Zotero is free and open-source software with no costs associated with …
In August, inflation in the UK slowed down to 6.7%, which is the lowest rate in over a year and a half. This is unexpected, as most experts had predicted an increase in inflation…
Based on the information provided in the prompt, here is a possible design solution for the VOYAY app: Home Screen The home screen features a vibrant and cheerful color scheme, …