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The Israeli-American Council (ICC) and its affiliate, Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), are involved in gathering intelligence on university students and sharing it wit…
The article introduces "leche de laboratorio" (laboratory milk), a synthetic alternative to traditional milk that is sustainable, delicious, and nutritious. This new era of lactos…
Thank you for sharing your story with us! It's fascinating to hear about your experiences in the early days of Personal Computer technology and how you navigated the politics and …
The US AI Safety Institute has appointed Paul Christiano as its head of AI safety, despite criticism from some quarters that his appointment may be risking non-scientific thinking…
The article discusses the future of the hotel industry in China and the opportunities and challenges it faces. The author believes that the industry will continue to grow and evol…
The article discusses the legacy of John von Neumann, a mathematician and computer scientist who made significant contributions to the field of computer science and engineering du…
Hello! Welcome to TMT Post, your go-to source for the latest tech news and analysis. Today's top stories include:1. Alibaba's revenue soared 32% in the first quarter, driven by st…
The article discusses the role of technology in reshaping international relations and diplomacy in the digital age. GCLEAD, a non-profit organization, is highlighted as a platform…
HealthX Africa is a digital healthcare platform that provides accessible, affordable, convenient, and safe primary healthcare services to individuals and families in Kenya. The pl…
Consilio is a global leader in legal technology solutions and enterprise legal services, offering end-to-end legal services and technology platform to drive efficient outcomes, re…
In their article "The Californian Ideology: Rejecting Fatalism in Hypermedia," Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron critique the idea that the development of hypermedia should be lef…
The Australian Deputy Prime Minister, Richard Marles, will travel to the United States and United Kingdom to meet with counterparts and discuss shared security objectives. During…
İnci Radar is an open innovation platform that connects technology companies with industry leaders and foundations to support their growth. The program offers mentorship, consulta…
The provided text appears to be a brief introduction to an AI-powered summary tool called TLDR AI. According to the text, the tool allows users to summarize articles using AI tec…
The history of the cell phone is fascinating, and it's interesting to see how different models have pushed the boundaries of technology over the years. Here are some key points f…